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I live and work in Manchester and have been taking photography seriously since 2005, when I finally got myself a half decent camera. Since then, I've now advanced to a Nikon DSLR's and am now have a D40 and a D80.

I love all photography, with my main interests focusing on (pardon the pun!) Macros, Landscapes, Architecture, Action and most DEFINITELY, Experimental shots, FIRE proving to be my most successful. I love to capture the moment as can easily be seen in my array of fire shots.

Macros interest me in two distinct ways. The first of course is the obvious demonstration of detail whilst the other is much more practical.

When I can't make it out to a sweeping location or great land or cityscapes, macros allow for great photography in an obviously confined space!!!! But is also draws on your eye and techniques to hide some obvious unattractive details in the background. Bless Depth of Field and low F stops!!!!

But as my skills and exposure have increased, I've moveed, tentatively into more nuts and bolts photography, such as Portraits, Parties etc... But this is in not my main interest, which is more artistic and leaning towards exhibitions etc...

I have also being selling Licences to my work for a couple of years now, and am also happy to lend the use of my images to non-profits organisations, groups or artists upon request. So please feel free to ask, it can't do any harm...

So feel free to message me anytime with any enquiries about PRINTS or any other commission queries.





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